Monday, October 19, 2009

Two Weeks Tops! by Jerri Palechka

I have quite a story I'd like to share with you
About a life of misery, every bit of it is true!
So take my word, as I will tell
What it's like to live in contractor HELL.
This is a horrible place no one should be
And I hope what I tell you will soon set you free.
They will take your home you would like to fix
But check up their sleeves, they are full of tricks!
The wallpaper was hung upside down and slanting,
A crazy sight that brought me close to ranting.
The front door fell as I entered one day
The contractor watched but had nothing to say.
He stood with his mouth opened just a bit
While he pondered the problem, he thought he should sit.
The walls were bare of any drywall, you see,
I would have been happier if I lived in a tree.
We walked on nails, dust, and grime
We pleaded with the contractor, will it be done on time?
He said with a smirk, with a mean glint in his eye
Two weeks, tops, you know I'd never lie!
The door to the refrigerator couldn't open all the way
When I told the contractor he said, "What's that you say?"
After they put in a kitchen floor made of wood
They realized the stove was where the door should have stood.
They piled up boxes on the same floor so new
That has staples galore, that made a scratch or two!
All the doors were cut on the bottom with a slant
I screamed through the house, I can't live here, I can't!
The rooms were painted the wrong color and flat
The doors weren't sanded, the toilets rocked when we sat!
The kitchen window was a treasure for sure to behold
It was higher on one side and the sill grew black mold.
We wish we had done all the work on our own
Maybe by now we'd still be living at home.
Two weeks, tops turned into a long, long time
So I finally said, " This house is yours and not mine"!

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